Name this Preamp

I'm needing some help in narrowing down a quality pre-amp that will be used 70% for music and 30% for home theater. The pre/processor must have an analog bypass with superior clarity for music - I don't want the stereo signal converted to digital via A/D-D/A. The pre/proc must decode DD, DTS and pro-logic (EX capabilities a bonus)It must also have a 5.1 (or 7.1) pre-in/out to accomodate SACD, DVD-A or both. Since CD processing will be done with an external DAC, I don't need the best DAC for the front channels but must be of high quality for all channels. The pre/proc must also have good bass management capabilities. The budget for this is around $1000 and used equipment is fine. What out there fits these requirements???
Look at the new Outlaw 950. It is just shipping & has a large backorder but is $900.00 and the best value in a pre-pro on them market today. Wally
Walter, I agree with your suggestion -- and they are finally shipping. My hat's off to you. It's a tribute to our craft/obsession when someone in the business recommends a product they don't carry. Mr. Integrity, you da man!