I thought that this would be a good one to post, since I am a new member and hopefully it will be interesting and give some background.

 First off let me say that I first became fascinated with audio as a pre-teen.A relative of mine called me over.His brother was in the service overseas and he was able to get both he and my relative a great deal on some brand new stereo equipment at favorable country of origin prices..He turned it on and I didn't even know what it was.I had heard a few stereo rigs before.The ones where the speakers fold out on hinges and revealed the record player and the amp inside the box.But this was something completely different.Each piece was separate.It sounded like the floor was moving.Voices sounded like they were in the room.I didn't know what to make of it.Very impressed and intrigued.My first job was only a temporary summer job but I did make enough money to make my first major purchase; a component stereo.A Sherwood receiver,a turntable and a pair of (2 tone grill) Jensen Speakers.Had a nice few months listening and eventually traded it in for a Yamaha guitar.I wanted to become involved with the music,not just listening.To this day I have musical instruments around the house; it helps me in my modding stereo equipment.It helps to know exactly what sounds a guitar,banjo,sax really make and just as importantly what sounds they don't make.My first true high end speaker was the Goetz Systems GMS 1.They were a beautiful floorstanding speaker which looked similar to the KLH Scxa.Perhaps KLH's  most exotic offering ever along with the model 9 panel speakers.The Goetz were not well known.A beautiful 3 way made in Georgia with beautiful imaging & a beautiful crossover which made them sound effortless on conveying transient detail.They did some shows,took out some display ads in the old Audio magazine,but never quite made it in the market.One of their dealers put in some line ads for them,proclaiming them "Speakers made by Hillbillies".That might be what did it.I heard a Koetsu cartridge for the first time through the Goetz,and I Don't think I will ever forget that wonderful experience.Many people liked them better than the Thiel,Celestion,Spica models of that era (early 1980's).Goetz later came out with pre and power amps which through the grapevine might have easily been the best sounding SS amps on the market,but the market was not there for them.These are among the rarer items out there.I have never seen Goetz on ebay or Craigslist.

 Another item from around the same era (a few years earlier)that was really interesting were Watson Labs speakers.The model 7 through 10 had separate cabinets for the woofers & the cabinets were filled with lighter than air hexaflouride gas.Their bass speed,authority and definition surpassed even transmission line speakers like IMF,and from my still vivid memory they would still be a marvel in that way today.They were designed by Dayton Wright,(actually same company)and they might have been the first speaker with dynamic drivers and an open baffle dipole arrangement that reminded you of the clarity of good electrostatics.The local dealer for a long time demo-ed them alongside Dahlquist DQ10's,and they sounded better in every way to the DQ10,which were a really good speaker themselves.Mike Wright the owner,stopped production and the company after a few years when Audax stopped making the tweeter they used.I have never seen Watson Labs for sale used on ebay or Craigslist.Don't know if deterioration factors would make them worth seeking out,but their sound was something I had never experienced before and will always remember. It would be interesting to know if their bass modules still retained the hexaflouride lighter than air gas after all these years.

Mod Squad phono cartridge tiptoes.Circa early 1980's.This was a flat black thin piece and on the top it had 3 sunk in b b size balls,made of what looked like ping pong ball material which made contact on the three points against your headshell with the cartridge underneath it.This amazing gizmo actually made my dismally tracking moving coil track like a champ.The sound was incredibly faster,cleaner,clearer and more open.Wish someone still made it.Tiptoes for your cartridge.I used too much torque on the cartridge screws one day and one of the b b size ping pong balls caved in giving it an uneven tilt and made it unuseable.

Finyl CD spray.Really liked the stuff .Unplayable scratched cds would start playing again with improved sonics.

Eon pod LP disc clamp.A light as a feather plastic clamp that exerted downward pressure on the record label by gripping the spindle and lunar module type feet putting pressure on the record label.Impressively better transients and detail.Was made in Canada.
What's on your list?



Showing 9 responses by supertweak

I am not fond of the way you write either.Solution: take a hundredth of a second to  bypass my listing or take who knows how long to get a life.
 Yeah I have some Tekna Sonic.I even have some with the stickers not removed.Transparent !! Hey, I gotta go now,some guy that just died that I never heard of from on here must have left me his stereo equipment.Saying that "I have no real family, but I think I found someone who  is really appreciative of good sound".Did you ever hear of Eico,Viking or Bozak?

As far as Tekna Sonic goes, I actually use them on all kinds of things; on top of large capacitors,transformers of amps,and the top plate where you can see the little round thing spinning your CD below it.Even on the structure that holds VHS hi-fi tapes in place while playing.It's obvious that I play my components with the covers off.Also under components and under component shelving, even one's that are already good at handling vibration like ones made of thick carbon fiber.I am always looking for more Tekna Sonic.

Re:Tekna Sonic.If you have lots of these to experiment with, try them on anything you think makes a vibration,even if you cannot feel the vibration with your hand.Any designer can tell you micro vibration in componentry affects the sound.Transformers vibrate,capacitors vibrate,mechanical housings vibrate.I actually DONT use these inside speakers,(their main intended use),since I temper vibration within speaker cabinets with something else.N.E.A.R speakers used Tekna's in some of their models and a few others.If you're not as good at hearing subtle differences as myself (from experience), then put about 6 of them all over: on transformers,capacitors that are huge enough to balance them, under equipment,under shelving.If you cannot hear a difference doing this with about 6 of them all at once,then I DONT what to tell you.But DONT make light of someone else's experience with a different set of components whose resolution may be well beyond what you are dealing with (even if you doubt it),and Don't let biases or your theories dissuade you either.Do Don't stew.Try before deny.If you cannot hear a difference with just one,as I say try many at a time and then try to determine where they are making the biggest difference.Unwanted vibration degrades sound like nobody's business.Some of the early CD players were not made of special heavy compounds for nothing.They realized the effects of even small amounts of vibration.It wasn't fun manufacturing them (or lifting them).

I like tape also.AJ Van den hul in an interview said then he considered reel tape as a viable alternative to the LP and he invented a major stylus shape and modified thousands of cartridges.People would send him thier cartridges (to Europe).He would modify them and relate what he thought it needed.The one cartridge he wouldn't' touch was Denon 103's at the time.He thought it was a good basic design and didn't' think it needed any help.I still have an old magazine where he says that and was reading it the other day.The high end stores around here have all closed down long ago.The latest and purportedly greatest cartridges I have not heard,but somehow I think if someone still has a nicely functioning Madrigal Carnegie One cartridge from the late 1980's,they would still be doing alright and might like the warmth.It was the first cartridge that the Absolute Sound gave their highest maximum number of stars.

 When I listen to reel tape, especially on my newly acquired Viking, or high quality cassette, I realize that it probably doesn't' have 100% as much detail as some other things.But overall it still might be my favorite sound.There is just such a sheer warmth and lushness about the sound. One of the reviewers from S'phile or AB Sound mentions how tape has such a "continuity" Thats unmatchable.I agree.I think overall its the most perfect sound or the closest to perfect often,even though tape is not as good a storage medium as LP because of occasional stretching,squealing and breaking of a tape.TAS did a comparison not many years ago of a Tape Project tape LP played on an over 100 grand Walker turntable and for sound quality the tape won hands down.When factory prerecorded reel tapes were being manufactured no one knows if they used tapes closer in generation to the masters than when they pressed LP's of the same title.It probably differed ,(just what somebody would grab off the rack that day).

Tape could have some harmonic distortion,but its the soft type,even order/odd order I forget which. I Don't think I ever heard a harsh reel tape.Harshness and reel tape are like antonyms,unless the machine is not warmed up.They usually take about 25 minutes,which is not bad.I Don't think my CD player or preamp reach near max sweetness till maybe 2nd side of the 2nd LP  I am playing. I have heard dull tapes.If they are not stored right.Keeping unboxed tapes on the floor for a long time where there is a static field,can decrease the mids and highs,almost erasing them while leaving the bass virtually unaffected.People have blown thier speakers on these tapes by turning up the volume until the midrange and highs sound loud enough and in the meantime the unaffected  bass is out of proportionally loud and its too much for thier speakers to take.There is a less number of weird things that happen with LP's.The 2 things that reel tape machines always are in my experience is warmth and image size.Some people record a record or CD onto reel tape to get a "bigger" size instrument sound.Cassettes always sound smaller even the best machines and Don't have full dynamic range.

Thanks all for adding to my post..I very probably will not be doing anything further on Audiogon.Maybe I just can't stand jerks, and in just over a week there have been so many already.Being contradicted by flawed logic and then feeling compelled to explain and explain just isn't fun and its time consuming.Some of these creeps on here they could easily get rid of, who try to make Audiogon a "not fun experience" right from the start for new people, knowing that,once someone senses they don't like something they are not going to continue on with it.They probably get a giggle out of it and say something to themselves like,"well I doubt if they'll be on Audiogon very long, which will be who knows how many thousands of bucks down the drain and not going to  Audiogon over time.Some of them may be closet Audiogon haters.I don't hate it,I just disagree with how they handle some things.Geoff Kaitt was constantly jagging me and trying to contradict me.Maybe he was worried that as a tweaker I'd go commercial and be competing with him.I have enough money;.90% of my ideas I would have kept to myself,because I like knowing that nobody does this or that like me.I've forgotten more things than he knows about tweaking.Let the old geezer have his way.I just got a look at him,there are pics on the net.Oh my. Anyway Thanks.

Thank you sir for fine tooth combing over my listing and correcting (if you're not mistaken). I Am sure it is really of utmost  importance for people on here to know which gas is heavier than another...I think I'll go fan myself....If you look up Watson Labs speakers on the internet it mentions it uses hexaflouride gas.That's what I went by and seems to me, nobody would use heavier than air gas unless there is some unknown advantage to that. Mike Wright was a universally acclaimed genius.How about you? Are you friends with Geoffkait? Not many people anywhere, that have so many actual media posts about them over others being outraged over what he does and claims, to extract money from peoples wallets.

Being wrong on a fact (if I am) would not disqualify anyone from Mense ever in the least.Lack of caution in inference and overgeneralizations are the surest sign there is, of arrested mental development.Still waiting on your proof that you really were ever a NASA engineer.