Name a few albums which helped determine your musical tastes

How about a short list of albums that shaped your listening from early on in your life?

Not just albums that became favorites (though they could be now). Let's call them historical turning points for you that shaped you as a listener, now.

  • Quadrophenia or Who's Next
  • Sgt Peppers Beatles
  • Floyd, Wish you were here
  • Jethro Tull, Thick as a Brick
  • Metheny, Offramp
  • Glenn Gould, Goldberg variations
  • Joni Mitchell, Court and Spark

Showing 1 response by fuzztone

James Taylor (Apple)
Jimi (Eddie Kramer) - Axis..
5th Dimension (Jimmy Webb) - The Magic Garden
Brian Protheroe - Pinball
Al Jarreau (Jay Graydon) - Jarreau
Wondermints - Mind If We Make Love...
Mahsvishnu - Adventures In Radioland
Kevin Gilbert -The Shaming Of The True
Scofield - AGoGo
Ray Chen live anywhere