Name a couple of HOLY GRAIL LPs

I have none for lack of experience. The best sound I ever heard was a Classic Records 45rpm version of Louis Armstrong singing St. James Infirmary.

Showing 1 response by rushton

Here are several excellent classical recordings that top my list...

Stravinsky's Firebird/Dorati, Classic Records 45 rpm Mercury reissue - stunning dynamics. The 33rpm reissue is very good, the 45rpm is astounding.

Stravinsky's Petrouchka, Danon/RPO, Chesky reissue CR42. Everyone I play this for finds this recording amazing; perhaps the best LP Chesky ever issued.

Allegri's Miserere, Tallis Scholars CFP 40339 - incredible depth of soundstage shows up in the antiphonal voice choirs. Gorgeous music.

Kodaly's Hary Janos Suite, Kertesz/LSO, Speakers Corner reissue of Decca SXL 6136.

Rachmaninoff's Sym 2, Slatkin/StLouisSO, Reference Recordings RM 1002, a reissue of the Aubort/Nickrenz engineered Vox recording

Ravel's Pavane pour une Infante Defunte, Skrowaczewski/MinnO, Reference Recordings RM 1001, a reissue of the Aubort/Nickrenz engineered Vox recording

Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, Slatkin/StLouisSO, Siegel -pf, Reference Recordings RM 1003, a reissue of the Aubort/Nickrenz engineered Vox recording