Name 3 songs where audio quality and song quality completely align

Lately I’ve found myself alternating between music I love (but sounds mediocre) and music I don’t know well or only like (but sounds incredible).

Occasionally, I stumble across a track where the song could both serve as a great show off piece for my gear and I love the music.

If you can, name up to 3 songs where the audio and song quality take you over the moon with pleasure.


Showing 2 responses by simonmoon

So many, I could fill pages...

I like the earlier recommendation of songs from the ELP album, Trilogy.

I also like the David Sylvian recommendations.

Here's a few off the top of my head, that I listened to recently:

Return to Forever - Romantic Warrior / Great dynamics and clarity. Lenny White's drums sound killer on this.

Oregon - Out of the Woods / Anything on the album. Sounds like real musicians, playing in a real acoustic space. Beautiful chamber-jazz. 'Waterwheel' is a standout.

Andy Milne and Dapp Theory - Trickle Down / Rhythmically complex jazz, but still kind of funky. The percussion is very accurate and detailed. Milne is one of the best current jazz pianists.


Almost any release on the ECM jazz/new music, label.

From their earliest in the early 70’s, up through their current releases.

Even with their studio recordings, there is a very real sense of real musicians, all playing at the same time, in the same acoustic space.

Also, they used very high quality vinyl on their original releases, so they were dead quiet. I’ve also noticed with used copies I have bought recently, a very high percentage of them seem to be in very good condition.

On their CD releases, they never fell into any bad digital habits, like: excessive compression, noise gating, etc. Their CD’s are consistently very good.

And musically, extremely good. Creative without being on the extreme avant-garde side. They always seem to find lesser known musicians, with world class chops.

A very easy label to buy blind.

And let me add, they hardly ever sound like they are trying to be a 'jazz nostalgia' label. They always seem to artists with a fresh take on jazz.