nakamichi pa5 or 7

Can anybody help with the dimensions of these amplifiers?
I am strongly advised to buy one of the mk2-versions if I can find one, but size matters a bit.
What kind of problems should I expect with a 20 years old amp - I am a little worried about the heat.
Ole Felsby, Denmark

Showing 2 responses by wbkco

The first series of the Nakamichi PA7 in my opinion is the best. It is a Threshold in a Nakamichi box. Nakamichi got sued by Threshold because Nak did not change anything inside of the amp. Nak just dublicated the Threshold. Hence, the second model MKII amp. MKII sounds a little dry in the middle sections.

Hope this helps,
PER TONE PUBLICATIONS - Introduced in 1988, the PA-7 retailed for $1,595, a bargain compared to the Threshold S-350e that cost twice as much and sported a rated power output of only 150 watts per channel. Nakamichi’s scale of manufacturing made it easy to grab one of Pass’ best designs at a very reasonable price. Today, clean PA-7s can be found on the used market for $600-$700. According to Pass, the original PA-7 (not the PA-7 series II) is “the one you want.” (continued) If you troll the Internet in search of a unit, insist on seeing pictures and deduct heavily for cosmetic dam- age. Replacements are unavailable and greatly diminish the resale price should you decide to resell at a future date. Run away screaming from an amplifier that has been “modified.”