Nakamichi Cassette Decks

I would like to hear from anyone who can tell me if the Nakamichi decks are better than say a upper end Denon DRW 800A, And second is there a big dirrence in the way the different models sound in playback mode. I' thinking of buying a Nakamichi MR2

I hear you, blueranger...there's nothing like hearing a top quality cassette tape (or reel to reel).  I opted for the 700ZXL because the Dragon had not yet been introduced, and the 1000ZXL looked like a piece of military gear, with the sliders and whatnot.  Also, I had bad experiences with sliders over the years, so I tended to avoid them.  I was ecstatic with the performance of the 700ZXL, and bought another a few months after getting my first.  A couple of years later I bought the Dragon, and after ensuring proper break-in, started testing them both.  The differences were quite significant, especially given the outstanding specs of the Dragon (not to mention the advanced technology).  Time and again, however, the 700ZXL outperformed the Dragon, especially on the most demanding things available at the time (just released CDs, but primarily difficult to record vinyl, such as Sheffield Labs releases).  On the Sheffield version of "America", the clarity of the transients was amazing...but the underpinning of the lowest frequencies was revelatory.  I eventually sold off one of my 700ZXLs and kept the Dragon, though, since I sometimes listened to tapes from other machines.

At this point, however, I am considering whether it is worth restoring both units, since most of my listening is now done via CDs...

Restore the 700ZXL. It looks way cooler man. Its silver! My only critique of the Dragon is it is dark and you need a light source to see all the buttons. I have never actually compared those two side by side but from my readings there wouldn't be much difference. Hey the LX3 and LX5 are also winners in the looks department.

I agree.  The 700ZXL looks WAY better than the Dragon - and the LX series took their styling cues (the dark charcoal/black with brushed aluminum finish) from the 700ZXL.  Sonically, I am considering selling the Dragon off "as-is" and restoring the 700ZXL.  Some folks like the Dragon better, but I guess that's a matter of taste...


Take a close look at the heads and see which one is in better shape. There are donor decks that pop up on eBay all the time that potentialy have decent heads but it's a chance like buying an engine to replace the one in your car. My garage says mileage isn't given in their experience. 
The 700ZXL looks WAY better than the Dragon - and the LX series took their styling cues (the dark charcoal/black with brushed aluminum finish) from the 700ZXL.

This 700ZXL looks like a microwave, but not as a cassette deck :) 
Dragon is state of the art design in my opinion