Nak PA 7 Power Amp

Whats your take on this item. Just reworked one but dont have speakers to test this monster. Ran it into my 15" Poly 250wrms sub 20 - 50 hz sine wave and she was pushing an inch or more. I use this poly which has monster rubber suspension and 4 layer coil for warming the big boys up after rework.Any info would be appreciated. Tx.

Well the caps are refreshed at 50 x per second and supply all the current required.I jack up smaller amps with some good main caps. It does the job.Your amp is another story!I used to sell units from a co called enping aoda, shake the building.Entry level was the MA 400 and those days the big boy was the 9600.Not one failure...just shows one you get what you pay for...China have factories for whatever your budget.
Thanks, similar to my Acurus, perfect for martin logans!And our local law enforcement who often pop in...turn it down.Was testing a quad 909 into my "x" big speakers which i had to many visits!They could not believe the sound from such a small "box"...the 909.Neither could I....had to listen outside.Cheers from a sunny SA.Colin
The PA-7 was a Threshold/Pass design and licensed Nelson's Stasis technology. Stereo Review magazine measured the output at 253 watts into an 8-ohm load, 400 watts into a 4-ohm load, and 650 watts into two ohms. The amp had decent total capacitance @132,000uF, but was delivering that power from only a 700 VA transformer. Hence it couldn't quite double down at 4 and 2 ohms. Therefore although the amp will drive a demanding load such as Maggies, it would be happier with a moderate to efficient load where it isn't being asked to deliver huge current into low ohm loads. And i'm saying that as a guy who owns an amp with an efficient 1.4kVa tranny and 144,000uF total capacitance. The Nak is a great looking amp with it's black face plate & old school handles. Enjoy!