Naim vs Audio Aero

Hey Guys,

I am looking at 2 players that are currently listed here and am not sure which would be a better match in my system.
The 2 players are a Naim CD5X and AA Prima that would be joining a Jolida 300B (9wpc SET integrated) and a pair of Klipschorns.
I have heard both players, never together and on completely different systems than each other and mine.
I did get to compare a CD5i vs a Rega Apollo, and I preferred the Naim.

I listen to a wide range of music... rock, blues, folk, country, recently getting into jazz, not much "pop radio", and no classical.

I am hoping for a player with good musicality, dynamics, and detail that will lean slightly toward a warmer analog sound
as opposed to a hyper detailed DIGITAL sound.
My speakers can be a little "in your face" with brighter electronics, my amplifier choice has helped a lot in this respect.

Any and all thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by hpower

Well, the 5X, just got sold:

and the Prima is looking very good:

I am not really sure if this Prima is a current model, any ideas?
If I go this route, I want to make sure I have the good Sony transport and not the Philips drive.
Are there any other upgrades to be aware of?
