Naim Supernait 2 vs Supernait 3

Hello Everyone, 
Has anyone compared the supernait 2 vs 3? I think Naim updated the power supply but Is the 3 sonically way better than 3? Is it worth the upgrade? Has anyone A /B'd them at all?


Their are cheaper Power Supplies (TEDDY) that can be used on the NAIM gear with the same results.
new to the forum but I thought I'd chime in. didn't do an A/B with the sn2 but I did do an audition between an xs3 and a supernait 3 (speakers were proac d2r). The sn3 was better, better grip of the speakers and just sounded more confident. that's not to say I didn't like the xs3, it's still a cracking amp and there wasn't much in it. Personally I think it's hard to tell much difference when doing a quick A/B test, you really need to spend a long time with each. 

From speaking to the dealer, he thought the SN2 would still be better than a XS3 so I don't think there'd be much in it between the sn2 and sn3. although reading some of the comments on the naim forum suggest it's loads better. not sure if that helps.