Naim Dac or power supply?

This may have already surfaced, so forgive me if I haven't come across it yet.

I have purchased the Naim CDX2-2 and got the bug to go the Naim upgrade route.

My question to those who have gone before me is this, which investemnt yields the biggest reward- the Naim Dac or the XPS2 when added to my CDX2-2?
Please don't say both, I can only afford one at the moment.

I should add that upgraded power cord and fuse is in the works already.
Guess I'm not a real flat earther.

Showing 1 response by muzikat

Blk25, you said:

"Also, Naim is one of those companies where everything is a big secret. I don't know if you have ever spoken to them, but the only way I can describe it is odd. Any time you ask them a question about how something is made, you can see that they try to avoid giving an answer and they just act like they are uncomfortable in some way."

This sounds a little strange to me. When have you ever spoken to "them" and who or what is "them". There is plenty of info available on the web about Naim.

To the OP, I am a Naim fan and believe as stated by David that Naim offers a great way to upgrade within the brand wihtout having to sell off anything to achieve said upgrade.

As to then DAC vs XPS2, I would go for the XPS2 first, UNLESS you have other streaming sources that could utilize the DAC. You can add the DAC later when funds allow.

I have had CD5XS>DAC sublime. I currently have CDX2.2>Teddy Pardo XPS excellent.

That, again, is one of the most attractive things about Naim. So many options.

Good Luck!