Naim CD5X play CDRs ??

Will the new Naim CD5X play music CDRs that
I burn with my computer??

Eastside Guy, I can't comment on the Nait5, as I know nothing about it. Can only talk to the 5i, 5x scenario.
I find the more my 5x breaks-in, the more I like it, finding it very smooth indeed. And I concur with Emil that there is no upgrade path for the 5i. If you do your homework you'll see that there isn't much in the way of published spec's on the 5i, there is a lot more going on under the hood of the 5x, not just the upgradability.
Sure, go for the CD5x. You can upgrade both the Nait and CD5x with a purchase of a Flatcap2. One flatcap2 can power both the Nait and CD5x. There is no power supply upgrade for the 5i.
Never heard the seperates but my Nait/CD5 does make music most enjoyable regardless of recording quality.

I am looking at buying a used cd5i or cd5x
to go with a used Nait5. The Nait5 is not
very revealing like the Naim seperates are.
I heard 10x more detail on the Naim seperates
but they also made poorly recorded CDs hell to
listen too. That's why I settled on a used
Nait5. So.. if I am using a Nait5, would you
still suggest a 5x over a 5i? I want rich
rhythm and less etch..

I demo'd both the cd5i and cd5x in my home, on my system.
And I beg to differ with Bundy...I feel there is a huge step up from the 5i to the 5x, the latter of which I now own.
The biggest difference is that the 5x allows use of external power supplies (flatcap, hicap, etc.). The 5i does not allow this so upgrades require replacing the whole unit vs. buying a better power supply.

They both have manual trays.
Thanks for the info.. So the automatic tray vs
manual swing-out-tray is the only real difference
between them? I've been eye balling these 5i's that
have come up used on this board. I would be pairing
it with a used nait5.

I only compared it to the 5i and there was an improvement when a flatcap was added to the 5x. With both naked, there wasn't much difference.
Great... How did you like it? Was it a noticable
step up from the CD5? How was it improved??
