NAD v. Cambridge Audio opinion.

Hello all. I've a question for all of you diehard audioheads. I'm looking for a small integrated for the bedroom, and I've narrowed it to two choices based upon my budget and requirements - roughly $300.00 USD. It's down to the NAD C116 for 310.00, or a gently used (9 on a 1-10 scale) Cambridge 340A for $260.00. These would be paired with a wee set of Gallo's and a powered sub. My musical tastes are quite literally all over the map and I'd be listening to a Squeezebox with external DAC. Given that I've been out of the audio loop for a while, but have fond memories of both manufacturers, what might the better option be? I've heard both and like them, but am not able to do a direct comparison, nor do I know their recent track record.