NAD T753 Review

This isn't so much a question as it is feedback about my new system.

I bought this bad boy mail-order without ever hearing it. I read a lot of online reviews and wanted something outside of the mainstream but that was within my budget.

NAD delivered on all fronts. I went from a non-digital system to this and was blown away. Every sound is crisp and clear. It's fairly easy to learn, though the instructions could have been a bit more "paint-by-numbers" for the casual consumers like myself.

I bought this unit and a T514 DVD player from Saturday Audio Exchange ( at a great price. I don't want to over do it with the compliments, but take my word for it, before you buy anywhere else, give these guys a call. Best prices and customer services I've had in a while.

One recommendation for NAD, it would be nice to program different titles for the sources. My cable source is forced to use Satellite. Oh well.

Hope this helps the newbies.
Just a quick word that the same guys at Saturday Audio have always been great to me. Most recent purchase was an A-stock S250 NAD amp and the floor demo S170 processor.
Can't you rename your inputs? Check your manual. My 762 allows you to re-label any input to watever you want.