NAD T 175 Pre-Amp VS $2K range AV Receiver?

I am planning on upgrading my 2 channel system and have a pair of NAD 2200 power amps that I am considering pairing with a NAD T 175 pre-amp for my HT system. I have come across some decent deals on the T 175, and wonder if I should consider pairing with my 2200 amps instead of buying an AV receiver in the $2K range. Also, should I run fronts off one amp, rears off another, and find a third for center channel? If not, any suggestions on how I best configure the system. There are a lot of gadgets and gizmos in the AV Receivers I have looked at that I don't consider all that important and am looking for sound quality above all. I will be driving B&W cm-4's Front, cm-2's Rear, and cmc Center.
Thanks for the suggestions. The 2200's I have are over 20 years old and never miss a beat, they're known as one of the better build quality products that NAD has put out.
there are inevitable compromises on the amp sections of mass market avrs, and separates will typically sound better. you've got two nad amps; i'd get a third and, as you suggest, use 'em with a seprate pre/pro to power your f/r/c. personally, i've had problems with nad's reliability (altho they're stuff sounds good when it works), so i'd look at integra, rotel or anthem--if, as you state, you don't care about the latest gizmos, you'll easily find a used one for much less than a grand.