NAD Reliability

Recently sold all my mid/hi-end equipment and purchased a NAD C317 and C540 for my primary system. Wanted to take a break and save some money -- I really enjoy the sound and am happy I made the decision -- however, I am starting to hear some negative things about NAD and their reliability. Can anyone ease my fears or should I think about selling? I know they were just purchased by the same company that owns PSB and I really like the sound. Thanks for any info on NAD.

Showing 1 response by hudman

I have owned NAD 1300 Preamp and it has been reliable for last 10 years. However it had pops + clicks from day 1. I have since upgraded to an Adcom Gfp 565 and still have the pops + clicks. I think the culprit is my Hafler DH-200 amp.