NAD M5 vs Cambridge 840c

I am looking for outstanding CD player in the $1500- $2000 price range . Does anyone have any recomendations.I am looking at these two CD players.Comments welcome.
Just another two cents.......the "gem" in the Cambridge
line is the 740c. If you do not need balanced outputs
save yourself some money and audition this player. It
comes real close to the 840c.
I owned both players. I preferred the NAD. However neither IMO can compete with either the Modwright (sony or denon) or the Exemplar 2900, or the rega Saturn. I have listened to them side by side.
I owned both and compared them side by side. IMHO the 840C was brilliant in balanced mode but just good in single ended mode. The balanced amp left the house and so did the 840C. In a single ended system, the NAD M5 had more body and musicality, it continues to please. However if I ever get a balanced system, I might have to give the 840C another shot.
I do not have experinece with that particular NAD but a friend and I did try the 840. We used it in two different systems wit Cardas Neutral Reference and thought a Denon 1650 sounded better. However when he switched to balanced (not an option for me) Zu cable it really changed for the better. I now have a Sony SCD XA777ES and he has the 840 keith
I preferred the NAD to the 840 which I found a little sterile. I found the MF A5 and the Primare CD31 were far more musical than either the NAD or Cambridge. I went for the MF while my brother preferred the Primare. All of the above players were auditioned in the same system at a dealer, the system consisting of Bryston amplification and a pair of Mordaunt Short Performance 6 speakers (as I own the speakers, I was very familiar with their sound).