NAD C658 or Node 2i into Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSD SE?

I currently have a Node 2i into a Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSD SE. The system has been rock-solid reliable, but the streaming side isn’t as detailed and revealing as I’d like. I stream Qobuz and I like the BlueOS software.

I’m seriously considering the NAD C658 as a replacement for both pieces but only if my streaming sound quality will improve.

Looking for advice on sound quality only. Thanks in advance.

Thank you!

I know I need to upgrade speakers but wondered if I could improve on the streamer.
i doubt that move will be an improvement

w4s dac2 (assuming it is working correctly) is sonically more pure than a nad 658 imo

there is probably improvements to be had elsewhere in your system