NAD C 375BEE Integrated Amp Replacement Recommendations

I use the NAD C375BEE integrated with Klipsch RF-7 II speakers. Do you have any experience, or can you recommend an integrated with the grunt (bass weight) and smooth sound of the NAD C 375BE, but more refinement?   Looking not to spend more than about $2500.

Musical Fidelity M5si?
Luxman 505ux?
Musical Fidelity A5?
What have you heard; What's your take? Thanks


Showing 6 responses by foster_9

Willand and seuntaeck, appreciate the feedback. Willand, I know your username from the Klipsch community forum.  I used to have a Yamaha AS 2000; in fact I had two AS 2000's . The first I owned had more grunt but had a protection circuit issue and I returned it. The second AS2000 I owned, for whatever reason did not have as much low end weight as the first one.  I eventually sold it.  
Outlaw Audio has an integrated? I know they have a receiver. And, more refined with more grunt than a NAD C 375BEE?
motokokousanagi, thanks, I used to own the NAD M3 many years ago with different speakers. Had the M2 as well. Not sure I would go down that road again.

mr_m thanks, I was thinking about the Rogue Sphinx II after reading post about it in another forum. What’s your experience with the Sphinx if I may ask?

Any old schoolers here have thoughts on the Jeff Rowland Concentra- does it have enough low end weight/? I'm certain it should be refined and resolving. 
Nutty, thanks for your suggestion.  I have owned so many integrateds in the past years it's hard to keep track but have not owned the 225. Have considered it.  I have owned the NAD M2, NAD M3, Harmon Karkdon HK990, Yamaha AS2000, and the NAD C375BEE, granted, with different speakers. The Yamaha was more refined.  A member here who I respect, owned the Anthem and sold it to get the Yamaha AS 2000.   I have also owned the Blue Circle BMPH which I sorely regret selling and was probably my only high end integrated;, also the McIntosh MA6900 that I wish I never bought. 
213runnin, thanks for your post. The 101db sensitivity of the RF7II has been discussed at the Klipsch forums and the conclusion was that the true number is not actually that high. Higher watt and higher current integrateds and amps are often being used with the speakers.

chrishanl37, I appreciate your posts very much. You obviously paid attention to my original post, and you came with background knowledge about the speakers I own and some amps paired with them. And yes, I have had a challenge with the bass of these speakers in my room, and supplement it with a sub. Unfortunately the days are gone when I would change speakers frequently, otherwise I would probably have moved on. Have been continuing with these speaks out of necessity. I have it on good authority that these speakers can get the job done in the bass with the right amp, but even with the NAD those woofers don’t do exactly as one would expect. So I definitely don’t want to go backwards with an amp less than the NAD in bass weight, but more refinement is desired. I have read many posts that the Vincent SV 237mk has solid low end. I am interested in that amp. The other int. amp that has my attention now is the Musical Fidelity M6si. One fellow in these forums said he went from the Vincent SV 237 to the MF M6si and said he’s not looking back. Sort of torn right now.