NAD 270/NAD C350

hi guys
what do you think about adding the nad c270 power added to my c350 integrated amplifier???

or would you go with something else??

same price more or less off course.


Showing 1 response by mjrmjr

I have the Cobalt 816 and I think that they like a lot of power. I had a C350 that I used for a while and it worked ok, but once I upgraded to a bigger amp the sound improved greatly, especially in the bass. Right now I have a Conrad Johnson PV-10B pre and a B&K ST125.2 power amp. I added the CJ first so for a while I was running the CJ as pre with the power section of the C350. But then once I put in the B&K, it was a tremendous difference. Much more weight and authority in the bass, and also a more open, relaxed sound.

I don't know the specs on the Cobalt 810 but if its like the 816, the extra power could make a nice difference.