NAD 2150 vs. Onkyo M-282

I am looking into buying my first power amp, I narrowed my choices to an ONKYO M-282 ($209 refurb) or the NAD 2150 ($149 used) I know ONKYO makes good recievers but not sure about their amps. I am conidering NAD because I hear so many great things about them aspecially if you listen to music (I mostly listen to music) and if I can spend $50 bucks less I will take the NAD. I know the NAD 2150 is old but it's a question reproducing my music as accuratly and clean as the up-to-date ONKYO. Or will it pump more power (unbridged) then the ONKYO. Please if anyone has any commets please fill me in.
Look into the ART AUDIO amps I think for $199 new you get a 100 watt amp that smokes more costly ones, may need to modify the input jacks but hey, great deal to be had!
Currently I am useing my laptop as the preamp and I am will be useing a pair of JBL n26ii ---had them in storage and want to put them to use, "An unused speaker is a worthless speaker" , ugh. Anyways I know there not audiophile speakers but they sound ok. My room is 18x6 , yes, I know thats an ackward size.
Once again, please if anyone has any commets please fill me in.
Hello Ben,

I use two NAD 2150, bridged, with an NAD 3120 as pre-amp, The NAD T562 CD/DVD, a REL Quake sub and 3A Audiodesign Andante monitor speakers.
The sound of this amp is sooo mich better then the Marantz I had before. And believe me, there is lots of power. The components used in this amp (rated 50 watts per chanel) also ended up in amps rated 150 watts/channel.

Buy it and keep it.

BTW, I'm now looking for 1 or 2 more of these amps, to build a 5.1 system with real quality... :-)