Myth: low-power high-efficiency

The past 6 - 8 months I have been living with very efficient speakers (~ 109dB/m/w) driven by low-power SET amps. The amps use 300B output tubes for about 7 wpc. On paper, this should be a match made in heaven. In fact, the combination is capable of wonderful nuance, subtley, harmonic richness, and tonality. It is really pleasing, especially on chamber and jazz music. Except for one thing - dynamic energy. I am not referring to loudness. It can deliver more undistorted volume than I care to listen to. I'm referring to immediacy, presence, power, and punch - the life of the music. If you go to the symphony, or live blues, than you know what I am talking about. Next week I'm taking delivery of a 90wpc PP amp, to audition in place of the SET. I need an amp that can maintain the purity of tone and harmonic texture of the SET, while delivering more power, to grab hold and take control the 15" bass driver in my horns.

I searched the archives, but have not found a similar post. Are there any other high-efficiency low-power people who moved to a higher power amp? Are you satisfied now?

Goodbye 300B!

I have a 300B/Fostex set up as well. At first, I like it but it does not have that "complete" experience. In chamber and small ensemble music, it's gorgeous but I end up wanting more. Dynamics, that is.

Do a survey! From my reading, I found that if you are 40 years old or less, then SET and high efficiency speakers will caught your fancy but eventually, you will move on.
I guess, I have to be over 60 before I fired up my 300B/High Efficiency combo again for good.

I would say that for this particular set up, not only efficiency matters, but the age of the listener itself.
Look at the Mcalister Audio 150PP amp. Look under my threads as I have a full review. I does exactly what you want and need without losing that SET intimacy. I have owned several SET amps and this 75 watt amp from Mcalister is wonderful. Big surprise is it's only $995 new.

Very few know about it. Seems few will take the risk of looking beyond the common names. Only talked with the builder once and I am in no way involved with this line in a business sense.

Just think it is a wonderful amp that others would really enjoy without spending thousands.

Howard, thanks for sharing Terry's thoughts. Although I was a little confused about the subject, audio or life partners. Perhaps his sage advice applies to both!

Ejlif, Eldartford, Lacee and Beavis - thanks for your input. If I understand correctly, your experiences are consistent with mine. I wonder why the myth of High-efficiency and Low-power is perpetuated? Do I assume that advocates of low-power amps are only listening to small-scale music, or that they simply are not extracting the potential of their system?

Amandarae - I like your creative thinking! Never considered the listener's age as a factor here. Since I'm over 40 (although not much), I can only interpret from your post that I'm young at heart :-) And you, too! Thanks for making my day.
