Mytek Brooklyn

Just a quick question for anyone that may have some information pertaining to "MYTEK", I sent in my DAC for repair, and haven't heard from anyone at any time , Except for the, manufacture in Poland, who's been very helpful in trying to facilitate any communication with the Brooklyn New York office, but it seems they have not even returned his messages as well. My DAC equipment went to the Brooklyn NY office. Does anyone know if they're still in business? I haven't received a phone call, or a text message or any communication that I advanced. Absolutely radio silence.  Are they still in business?  I have even written emails with respect to please return my equipment as it is, and still have not received any communication via telephone, text message and or email. Does anyone know if they're still in business
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Showing 3 responses by hgeifman

After I posted my comments above, I sent Mytek an urgent email making them aware of these many problems and the frustrations that many people were have with Mytek customer service.  I suggested that Mytek update this forum post, explain the facts and take immediate action to correct these problems. 

I was was very impressed since Michal immediately responded to my email and did update this forum post.   It seems Mytek is taking the required action and I am impressed.  I am not a Mytek customer but was impressed with his immediate response to my email and the concerns stated in this forum.  

I searched on MYTEK Customer Service and found this link for creating a new ticket or checking your ticket status.  I suggest you check your ticket status to get an update:

Additional contact information is below:

This customer service post is a concern:

I am very surprised at the lack of response by MYTEK DIGITAL about the issues described above.  If I owned a MYTEK DIGITAL product that failed to work, as advertised, I would return it and move on.   I have little patience for high end audio equipment that does not work.  

I have had to return products for service and they were usually repaired and returned in 3-4 weeks.  Most credit cards have some form of warranty, or something similar, that might allow you to return the product and get a return of your money.   I suggest you ask them.  Please keep us posted.  

Thanks.  I am glad I was able to provide some assistance to get these issues resolved.   As noted above, Mytek is contacting the people above and their open issues are in the process of being resolved.  

Michal responded very quickly to my request for technical assistance.  Mytek is also reviewing and improving their internal customer service area.  This is excellent news.