Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ or Schiit Yggdrasil?


Theta Pearl
Theta Pro-Prime II

Krell KAV-300i (but possibly Schiit Ragnarok - see that discussion)
Spatial Audio X2

If I wanted to treat myself, which of these comparably-priced DACs should I get?

Showing 1 response by wc1

I recently went through this process with the Mytek, the Yggy and the PS DSJ and went with the PS which is also upgradeable. The conclusion I came to was that its largely a matter of personal taste and system characteristics - ie are your speakers highly resolving, or forgiving. If they are on the resolving end of the spectrum, you will likely hear some difference. If not, you likely wont. The PS also offers a trial period. I think shipping (unlike the Yggy is free) and once you factor in that PS will credit you retail on trade up to a ~1/3 of the price of what you are buying, its not that much more expensive. Good luck