My wife touched my turntable - help please

Last night with friends over and me exhausted a minor accident occured. The record had finished while I was checking on the kids and my wife lifted up the arm on my turntable by hand(Audiomeca romance tonearm and table, benz ruby 2 cartridge) ie without using the lifting mechanism. I have examined the cartridge and the stylus seems centered but perhaps a little less angled than before (when the stylus is on the record the body seems lower down though not touching the record - though I have not tried it on a more warped record). I suspect she may have put a bit of downward pressure on it. I hope this explains what I think happened. Short of retipping, my temptation is to just leave it be but comments from vinyl pros would really be welcome. Does one always go through the manufacturer to retip if this should ever need to be done. Please no harrassing regarding my wife, she meant well. Thanks in advance.


Showing 3 responses by zaikesman

I'm with those who are just a bit incredulous as to why you thought you had a problem in the first place - just because she touched it?! Talk about a placebo effect - no mishap was known to have occurred, yet you thought you could maybe 'see' a difference in the way the cartridge rode in the groove. Only an audiophile could be so anally hyper-neurotic, if you'll pardon my saying so. :-)

Listen, your cartridge is quite a bit more robust - and your wife quite a bit more competent - than you apparently assume. I'm like Twl - I never use the cueing lever. In fact, I have the opposite 'problem', if you could call it that: I can't convince my girlfriend to even try to learn how to do it without the cueing lever - she's too scared!

So cheer (and lighten) up; Hey, it's better than having Dieter touch your monkey!
I have decided to commence work on a 'ferntable', a decorative coffee table covered with potted ferns, in order to inject some oxygen into the listening room.