Take a drill thru the middle of the knob thats on there now and in to this threaded hole mount an official nhl hockey puck. Make sure that the hole is centered so you dont get DPL (dreaded puck lobing) effect. Dont use minor league pucks they have a tendency to be lightweight in sound. This will not only increase the value of your pre-amp but it will look sterling. I have some hockey pucks that I bought for .85 a piece I'm selling as DPAD tweaks (discordant attenuator adapter discs) for 1287.56 a piece. And next week Im having a special on WPG (wave propagation guide) pebbles also known as (washed pea gravel) that have been known to really change the sound of a system when used as a filling for CGB (controlled gain bottles) or (clear glass bottles) and placed strategicaly around the room.
My vote for Tweak of the Week
Silver Rock Signature Knob
Price: $485.00
Good vibrations, Bad vibrations it’s all about vibrations!! RAM would like to introduce a new signature level knob developed for the mighty Silver Rock potentiometer. The standard bakelite knob is certainly the best sounding compromise... but now Audio Consulting has taken this aspect of the Silver Rock much further. The new knobs are custom made with beech wood and bronze where the bronze is used as the insert to mount to the stem of the volume pot. The beech wood is coated several times with C37 lacquer for best sound as pointed out by Dieter Ennemoser. How can this make a difference??? Well, hearing is believing as we always say. The sound becomes much more open and free flowing with a nice improvement in resolution. Dynamics are better and overall naturalness is improved. Here is a test for all you Silver Rock owners. Try removing the bakelite knobs and listen. You will be shocked by this! The signature knobs will have an even greater effect…really amazing! The point here is the micro vibrations created by the volume pots and knobs find their way into the delicate signal path and cause degradation (Bad vibrations equal bad sound). With the signature knobs micro vibrations from the C37 concept of wood, bronze and the lacquer itself compensate for the volume pots and provide (Good Vibrations) our ear/brain combination like to hear…way better sound!!Knobs can easily be installed on all versions of the Silver Rock potentiometer
I kid you not ;~)
Price: $485.00
Good vibrations, Bad vibrations it’s all about vibrations!! RAM would like to introduce a new signature level knob developed for the mighty Silver Rock potentiometer. The standard bakelite knob is certainly the best sounding compromise... but now Audio Consulting has taken this aspect of the Silver Rock much further. The new knobs are custom made with beech wood and bronze where the bronze is used as the insert to mount to the stem of the volume pot. The beech wood is coated several times with C37 lacquer for best sound as pointed out by Dieter Ennemoser. How can this make a difference??? Well, hearing is believing as we always say. The sound becomes much more open and free flowing with a nice improvement in resolution. Dynamics are better and overall naturalness is improved. Here is a test for all you Silver Rock owners. Try removing the bakelite knobs and listen. You will be shocked by this! The signature knobs will have an even greater effect…really amazing! The point here is the micro vibrations created by the volume pots and knobs find their way into the delicate signal path and cause degradation (Bad vibrations equal bad sound). With the signature knobs micro vibrations from the C37 concept of wood, bronze and the lacquer itself compensate for the volume pots and provide (Good Vibrations) our ear/brain combination like to hear…way better sound!!Knobs can easily be installed on all versions of the Silver Rock potentiometer
I kid you not ;~)