My Triton Ones are being delivered to me tomorrow

I bought a pair of Triton Ones on Wednesday and they are being delivered tomorrow morning. I was extremely impressed by the demonstration and promptly bought a pair. This is the first time in years I got something new, in a sealed box. I am excited and won't sleep much tonight.

I really loved the ribbon tweeters sound but I am wondering if it may bother me over the long haul? I always feel this way when putting something new or different into my system, I guess it's the typical audiophile way of thought. These speakers are replacing a pair of Von Schweikert VR-33 speakers which I am selling in a classified. It will be interesting to compare the two tomorrow before I pack the Von Schweikert's back up.

I just wanted to share my enthusiasm.

Showing 3 responses by audiolabyrinth

Hi Stereo5, In the world of so many over price high-end speakers that frankly, I have not been impressed with most audiophile speaker's in general, even the speaker's I have listened to that are way north of $100,000.00!, I just took a look of your triton 1 speakers, and golden sound company for the first time, I am glad to see that they are based in the u.s.a, I say that you got a lot of speaker for the asking retail price for sure!, I read about speaker's that only do 33hz to 23 khz for the same money you paid for the triton 1 speakers, like the new Bryston middle T speaker's found on the front cover of stereophile magazine, I would like to listen to a pair of triton 1 speaker's, congrat's to you stereo5 for getting some good speced speaker's for a real world price instead of something that cost the price of Magico s-5 speaker's that are quite terrible sounding!
Schubert, where do you get the info that these speaker's are made in china?, the Golden Ear site said nothing about made in china, unless I over looked that info?, also, most everything these day's is made in china, alot of part's in componet's that are said to be made soley in the u.s.a. has china part's, considering the award's and review's of these triton 1 speaker's, they must be doing something right for sound quality.
Stereo5, At the end of the day, you have some mighty fine speaker's that accordinally to the specs and power handling, and that crazy oh so powerful sub woofer bass amp, you might have speaker's that kick the crap out of most that cost far more money!, I alway's have liked ribbon tweeter sound, awsome for what the retail is here.