My transport has "tuning dots" what are these?

I got an older AMC I am using as a transport and I was told it has expensive tuning dots inside, please explain what these are or might be and what they do ...thanks
Yes the whole Tuning dots tweak may seem silly to some. Yet there is a principle to their schematic application priciple to applying them. My first experience with the Marigo's was years ago on a turntable, without them, then with. The tonearm looked like it had the measles, or rabbittitus. But they did make an auidible difference. I would just leave them as is, since you might not be able to remove the adhesive residue once partially removed?
Back when the dots wrere just comming into vouge the owner of the high store I dealt with advised me to use quarters on my speaker bases for tuning to save money, they also did have a positive effetct.
Has anyone got experience using the tuning dots on speaker cabinets and/or drivers, specifically Avalon Eidolons? I am using the Marigo "super dots" on all glass windows in my listening environment, which made a huge beneficial difference. Glass always adversely affects sound, so any sort of damping to that has to be beneficial, however, my concern is about application to a driver causing a "deadening" of the driver response.
Based on my experience with the Marigo dots I would not put them on Eidolon's. The Eidolon is already a VERY well controlled speaker.

I got positive results with the very large black Marigo's on Fosgate sub woofers (14" driver), but poor results on my Sound Lab speakers except on the back plate. Best was right above the speaker posts, using a green or black was audible, and depending on who was listening the gain was debatable.

I agree with your experience with Marigo on the windows. Large glass windows behave almost like planar speakers when they are bombarded with sound, the Marigo's definitely help dampen that.

If you must try dots, put green Marigo on the back side, upper corner of any piece of audio gear that has rack mount or face plate that extends beyond the chassis. That's a harmless tweak and sometimes helps.