My system....what and how will cabling impact?

Stereo Equipment

I know that not proving enough info is troubling so here is my complete list for my system.

All in around 100k.

Wilson Audio Sasha DAW

D’Agostino Integrated Amp

Clear Audio Ovation w/ 9” tracer tone arm

Clear Audio Concerto V2 MC cartridge

DCS Bartok DAC

VTL 6.5 phono pre amp (used w less then 50 hours of use)

HRS RXR Maple rack w/ isolation shelves

Transparent Music link and music wave cabling.

The room is strangely laid out. First, high cathedral ceilings with several peaks for sounds to bounce around. Second not too wide from speaker fronts to my ears but long. Approximately 25’ X 50’. From speaker fronts to my ears maybe 15. Speakers are positioned close to back wall and I am sitting on a sofa that places me about 2 feet in front of the front wall which is comprised of windows.

Now onto my first impressions. It sounds fantastic. Very warm, melodic, clean, rich and juicy are a few adjectives that come to mind. The TT sounds as good or perhaps at times better than the DAC. The soundstage is fairly wide given the limited space between my ears and the speakers.

Now onto my question. I have spent around $2,000 for cabling. I am figuring that those are what many of you would consider basic cabling. I see folks spending much much more for cabling. What does investing in high end cabling buy you? How does it effect the final outcome? Will the sound be richer and more realistic? What high end cables are recommended for the system I have? How much should one expect to spend for cables for the system I have assembled?

Thanks for your input.


Showing 5 responses by lawmnsuu

I really appreciate everyone’s feedback, opinions and dogma. It all helps me make an informed decision. I can and will give each it’s appropriate weight. From the beginning I was intending to spend around $35,000 to build the dream system I could never have afforded as a young person. I recall going to my rich uncle’s huge holiday parties in the 70’s and listening to his Macintosh equipment and being green with envy. Well $35k quickly morphed into 100k! 🤩🤩🤩 such is what happens to my well intentioned plans.
MC said HRS RXR Maple rack w/ isolation shelves is after all just a rack. I assume he was simply trying to make a point. Because even this audiophile neophyte knows that a 15k rack is more than just a rack. In fact HRS is trying to do exactly what he has accomplished with his podiums and pods. Namely isolation and vibration reduction. It’s possible that podiums and pods can accomplish the same for less. I suppose it’s also possible that adding podiums and pods would substantially increase that isolation.
That will be for another day. The sales team I am using asked me to wait on that issue for the time being. They believe that the Sacha speakers are designed to be spiked to the floor and are constructed with materials that already have created superior isolation. For now my focus is on wires, Cables and interconnects.

From that perspective your many opinions are vastly disparate. Everything from you have spent enough already on those components to you need to spend $30,000 to find the most benefit from those components. Somewhere between those two extremes lies my answer.

I will say this Wilson audio constructs their speakers using Transparent as their wires and interconnects within their speaker cabinets. I imagine they have done their research and have determined that Transparent provides the best component wires for their equipment. Or perhaps they’ve simply gotten the best deal from Transparent. Though when you’re constructing $38k speakers I can’t imagine that saving some money on wires makes much difference.
I will start by trialing 3 price categories of transparent cables and wires. I really want to hear if I even can detect a difference. I will choose that set which I believe gives me the most bang for my buck. However, I will only agree to keep that set if I can then compare it against other manufacturers to see if transparent really is the best set up for my equipment. Stay tuned. Again, I really do appreciate each and every person‘s perspective.

Again thank you all for your input. As a neophyte it is still hard to imagine wires, cords and interconnects can make such a significant difference. At first I told the company that sold me the equipment no way will I spend significant money on wires. The last system I put together in the 70’s/80’s I used monster cable. After listening to all of you I will make the investment. I now expect I’ll hear a difference. I hope that’s not causing me to have expectations and bias. We will see next week when I begin this process. I of course will report back my impressions.
No oh well’s necessary here. I’m willing to learn even when learning costs me unnecessary dollars. 
I tested the DIY cables of a member and was amazed at how much a difference they made. I’m a believer now as to the effect proper cabling can have on the listening experience. 
I passed on the DIY cables simply because I tested the Transparent Reference series and since I was going with them on my speaker wires I stayed with them for interconnects, power cords and speaker wires as a package. In addition I am getting their newest gen power conditioner as well. Frankly the DIY’s were more money than the Transparent’s anyway. 
Since I have a new belief in cabling I will not poo poo the idea that springs are unable to make an equally significant contribution to the totality of the musicality. Once I get my cables in place I’ll turn to that as the final piece. And really at this point what’s a few more bucks even if they don’t succeed in improving the sound.