My system suggestions on improving bass - Totem

Hey there!

I just have a question to ask you guys regarding improving the overall sound, specifically with bass with my system as follows:

Musical Fidelity A3.2 Integrated
Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD Player
Musical Fidelity x-10v3 Tube stage
Totem Acoustic Hawk
Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun
Nordost Red Dawn Interconnects

If you guys could please provide with me any comments or suggestions on which equipment I should add/replace, or possibly adding a subwoofer, please do so! Don't be shy to be blunt with criticisms or comments - they are all welcome! My budget is around $1000+ for improving the system, but I would like to spend as little as possible.

thank you for all your help in advance!
-Matthew Dunko

Showing 1 response by eyeballman

Adding a XDacv3, PSU, X10 combo to my system really extended and tightened up the bass. Not a subtle change. The mid bass firmed up giving a warmer 3d image. This combo would fall within your budget and match your other MF equipment. HOWEVER, I'm finding that this combo aslo diminshes the attack of the upper notes. Less sparkle in the highs. See my vitual system. Just my two cents.
