My system is ... well, not ready

Hi Everyone,

A lot of you have been asking me to look at my system, and it’s been an absolute mess in this apartment. However!! I am moving, and I have posted the new living/listening room up in the Systems part of Audiogon. I’m 3 weeks from occupying that space, so please be patient as it will take a while to clutter it up with electronics. :)

Right now the plan is to put the TV in the bay window. It only looks at the neighbors, so I don’t mind giving it up, flanked by GIK acoustics soffit traps and standalone panels, as well as adding curtains in all the windows and doors and ceiling mounted panels.

The room is about 13' by 17' and I'll be taking lots of measurements as I go along. :)



Showing 2 responses by mijostyn

EriK, I was of your OLED screen in making the comment of the dark drape behind. It will really make your TV pop. Retractable screens are a no, no. They never stay perfectly flat. A proper screen needs to be stretched in a frame and hung on the wall permanently. We are in the process of remodeling our media room and will be painting the walls a very dark blue. The carpeting is a very dark chocolate brown. When we are done I will show you a picture with the projector on. It is going to look very slick.  In reality projector's can be a real PITA.  Bulbs low every 2000 hours and they only look really good for the first 100. During the daytime you never get a really good picture unless you can totally blocked out your room which I cannot do. The solution is one of the newer laser projectors but the technology has not come down to a reasonable price point yet. Patient is virtually.
Good luck with the speakers. I assume you have a calibrated microphone for measurement purposes and a computer program supporting, truly the only way you would ever know what you were doing.  Keep us informed. I would love to see the grafts.
Erik, love the speakers. Were is the cross over point? 12dB/Oct?

Bass nodes can be used to advantage especially if your speakers are weak in the very low end. Just move the listening position backwards or forwards till you get the best bass balance. Sometimes it only takes a foot or two. It is very difficult to subdue them and you really only listen from one place. 
I do like Tim's idea of the drape across the front wall behind the TV. Light and reflective surfaces around a TV or screen can be distracting and deaden contrast. If you get a dark non reflective material the TV will really stand out and you won't need any further sound treatment of that wall, just the side walls.