My SVS subwoofer will not turn on from auto mode

I have a small(9 by 10) room and installed a new SVS SB 12 subwoofer into a 7.1 system.Problem is my Yamaha receiver does not seem to wake up my sub from auto mode.Since room is small and in a 2nd floor condo I cant run the sub very loud so gain is in 10 o'clock position. SVS said I should keep sub gain at 1 o'clock position but that is too loud for my condo.Any trick to getting the sub to turn on from auto mode without loud volume setting?


Showing 2 responses by mattg3

If I keep the  setup volume for my sub(half way on gain) and lower it on receiver using subwoofer trim, will that give more power to sub to turn on? Half way gain on the sub is way too much volume for my small room.
SVS told me that Yamaha receivers have a low bass signal so I may just have to wake them up manually.It seems that cds played on my Oppo DVD player don't wake  it up. With dvds it seems to wake up sometimes. Im going to buy a dedicated subwoofer cable to see if that helps.  Thanks for your help