My SVS subwoofer will not turn on from auto mode

I have a small(9 by 10) room and installed a new SVS SB 12 subwoofer into a 7.1 system.Problem is my Yamaha receiver does not seem to wake up my sub from auto mode.Since room is small and in a 2nd floor condo I cant run the sub very loud so gain is in 10 o'clock position. SVS said I should keep sub gain at 1 o'clock position but that is too loud for my condo.Any trick to getting the sub to turn on from auto mode without loud volume setting?


Showing 2 responses by ghosthouse

Just ordered some Blue Jeans LC-1 sub cable off Amazon.  Flexible, well shielded and affordable.  Have been using some unshielded interconnects.  Figured it was about time to do things right.  You can always spend way more than the BJC, but why? 

mattg3 - I have a pair of SVS subs. I was surprised to read the subwoofer gain setting could have any effect on waking up the subs. When in "auto", mine come out of standby as soon as the music starts (i.e., as soon as the pre-amp starts sending line level signal to them) even when gain is turned all the way down. With the speakers I’m running right now, gain is normally at 9 o’clock. Not sure I understood your question about adjusting subwoofer trim at the receiver.  I guess the Yamaha is a home-theater device?  One very obvious thing to check is bass content of what you play that DOESN'T wake them.  Could it be there is just no bass signal going to them?  Does failure to wake happen with different pieces of music??

Hope you get it sorted out. Worst case, if no satisfaction from SVS (I’ll be disappointed in them), wake ’em up manually (as I’m sure you could figure out on your own! :-) Good luck.