My SPL meter shows ambient/background noise of about 41.x dB. Is that average, hi or low?

Of course that Amazon X-Mass stocking-stuffer is little more than a toy, so who knows if it's calibrated accurately...

So what's the ambient level in your listening room/position?


I get 29.9dB A-weighed (LAF) with mute on in quiet basement with turntable running.
31dB inter-track vinyl groove noise.
89dB peak at normal listening level.

If yours is 29.9 compared to my 41.x then either your room is VERY quiet, of my meter is a piece of junk.

Probably it's both...
My room is very quiet. 41dB is acceptable ambient noise if you've a window and outside activity.
I can get my iphone db app (however accurate that is) down into the 20’s as well.  I actually have to hold my breathe otherwise my breathing is picked up.  

My room is quiet.  Thats what 12 panels do.  My listening room is a nice place to be even when not listening to music just due to its quietness.

Latenight listening at low volumes is still very satisfying when you are starting from such a quiet background!