I believe you nailed it that it is simply your room. That is tough for any of us to diagnose and advise upon simply by commenting in a thread. I have Wilson Sophia 1 that have a lot of bass that is clean and deep in my room. When I had some Egglestonworks Vigintis and Wilson Alexia 1 they both were very weak with significantly less bottom end compared to the Sophias. On paper this makes zero sense. I visited a guy and listened to his Wilson Sasha DAW with ample amplification and the sound was the most boring sound I have ever heard from a hifi system. It was shocking how little bass and realism the system had. I totally understand the psychology of feeling that you should not need subs but maybe you do. I am sure when you have them properly paired with your SF speakers the SF will provide the remainder of the spectrum beautifully so let them work together and enjoy the end result.
My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I thought the new monos would solve the problem. I still have to use subwoofers to feel like my system has any bass. I've tried speaker placement but to no avail. I realize it could be room issues, but short of packing my room pull of room treatment, there has to be something else. The drivers work, it just doesn't sound full. Should I get a different speaker? At this price, I expected more.