I totally respect your approach,and believe you will have a wonderful alternative to the mainstream stuff we enthusists have become accustomed to seeing,too regularly!
I have heard alot of set-ups different from my own modded,and very satisfying system,but I LOVE the differences between them ALL!!All unique with their own strengths.Gotta love it!
To be hitched to one particular camp denies the music lover the wonderful experiences of "something unique".So many interesting hobbyists(like you)to keep us all on our toes.
Best of luck.
I have heard alot of set-ups different from my own modded,and very satisfying system,but I LOVE the differences between them ALL!!All unique with their own strengths.Gotta love it!
To be hitched to one particular camp denies the music lover the wonderful experiences of "something unique".So many interesting hobbyists(like you)to keep us all on our toes.
Best of luck.