my sl 1210 is louder on the right channel

having checked alignment, vta, bias, tracking force and everything else i just feel underwhelmed at it's performance it's not as clear on the left channel although sometimes there's more on the left but it just seems a bit muddy to me could it be the often quoted bad quality phono leads or should i just take it back to the shop for an exchange as i really want to keep this deck but it is peeing me off at the moment. Thanks for your help, Engine.

Showing 1 response by undertow

Are you using tubes? If so anywhere in the chaini and they are not well matched this will cause the issue as well.. Only way to find this is to swap tubes from channel to channel, I found this with a Phono amp utilizing 12AX7's once, we thought and did everything with a turntable and speaker placement and figured out it was one tube being as little as 3% off will show problems in balance, for some reason especially with analog sources even more so over digital.

Of course try all above suggestions as well as it could be any one of them, but tubes thrown in the mix is also a major item to look at with this case scenario.