My Oppo is a bit too bright

In a comparison to an impartial audience between my analog rig and my Oppo 105D > LFD LE IV rig, the consensus was the the digital end was too bright and brittle.
Some more details:

Oppo 105 > Belden 840 cables > LFD LE IV > Decware Styx speaker cables

VPI HW19 MK 4/Hana ML > Morrow PH4 > LFD LE phono > AZ ICs > LFD LE IV
All feeding into Spatial M3 Turbo S's
I agree with the consensus. Any suggestions for a warmer digital sound?

Showing 4 responses by jayctoy

Simao get a tube DAC , this will give you full sounding, bloom, and romantic feel.Black ice from Underwood Wally...
Simao maybe try dark sounding cable like Audioquest for my taste they are full sounding, they are solid core, Belden are strand I think.
Simao if you listen to vynil a lot, yours ears will get use to it, then you go back to digital the tendency your oppo will sound a bit bright, It takes a week or two to reset your ears.
Audiomirror trobadour, Teajay Orchid recommendations.This are all good Tube DACs , your budget will dictate.