My Oppo 105 finally bricked. Streamer suggestions?

Hey all,

Well, my vaunted 105 now won’t connect to Tidal through the app no matter what troubleshooting I do, and since my listening is 40% vinyl, 50% streaming, and 10% cd, I’m losing out on a lot of music. I’d like to keep the Oppo as a the occasional transport but need something to stream Tidal.

I can still connect via HDMI to to the Oppo from my phone or laptop, but the sound is terrible. 

My digital system:

Ragnarok 2 integrated

Denafrips Ares 2 DAC/Schiit Gungnir (currently comparing them side-by-side)

Reference 3A de Capos

Oppo 105 (still can be used as a transport and blu-ray)


Suggestions for a streamer that would work well with the Denafrips? Budget under $1K.

Thank you,




Showing 1 response by moving_daneedle

I've been using mConnect lite with an iPhone and an Oppo UDP203 until very recently as a "toe-into" the streaming waters.  mConnect provides a very nice interface for surfing several streaming (hi-res) services and casting.

I had contacted Oppo support previously who still responds (wow!); they indicated Oppo UDPs do NOT render; as such, hi-res streams may be down-sampled (not bit-perfect) by the rendering mConnect platform.  Oppo does have their own APP which does remote "control" their UDP; however, it is dated with no streaming services functionality.