My Next Miles Davis Disc?

Hi all,

Help me out here -

I am a fan of general ambient type music. I have 4 Miles Davis recordings now and would like to add to that. I absolutely love 'Kind Of Blue' and 'In A Silent Way', yet am not so hot on 'Sketches of Spain' and 'Birth of the Cool'. So then, in that light, which Miles recording should be next in my collection? In other words, what is the next closest in style to Kind of Blue and In A Silent Way ?



Showing 1 response by albertporter

The closest album musically to Miles "Kind of Blue" period of work is "Ascenseur pour L'echafaud." (Lift to the Scaffold).

It's an obscure move sound track on Fontana label, recorded in 1957 in Paris France. I have it on both LP and CD but cannot tell you if it is still in print.