My new system.. Musical Fidelity/Consonace/Omega

I'm new to top notch hi fi and I just bought A Musical Fidelity 308cd upsampling cd player.
I hooked it up to my Consonace 300B Tube amp which I picked up on Agon and new Omega 3R speakers. Louis does a beautiful job on these speakers and they look and sound great. IC's and speaker cables are from Hudson Audio.
Being a newbie, things like soundstage and such are not something I feel confident talking about, however I did some "comparison" listens with different music, using the MF and my previous low end Sony cd player of years ago.
To my ears there is no difference. Am I missing something?
Is this Tube amp somehow incapable of passing through what the MF is puttin' out?
The speakers are probably not fully broken in but the sound from either cd player sure sounds beautiful.
I'm just wondering if I made a "sound" choice or not in going all the way with a really high end CD Player in this system.
Many thanks,
Yes, I spoke with Louis and he said I need to play the spekaers pretty loud and give them the musics always on loud while I'm away.
I'm interested in a turntable but it seems like so much to learn and then...I gotta start getting records!
Any suggestions for turntables where quality and value
make sense?thanks for your reply,
Having never heard the MF, I won't comment on it's quality. I own a pair of Luis' TS33's and will say that your drivers need at least 50 hours on them before the sound starts to mellow out. They probably won't show their true potential until after 100 hours. The detail and resolution did not change, merely the tonal balance.

I agree with your opinion of Omega's cosmetics. My speakers are in the Redgum finish (a picture of my pair is on his homepage), and they are absolutely gorgeous.

The only thing "missing" is a decent turntable ;)
I playful submit if your MF is equivalent to your Sony, keep the Sony and reinvest it's cost in a tt.

