My new Accuphase 408 is lacking ......

Hi, I have just bought an Accuphase Amp 408 to match with my accuphase CD 55, the sound is lacking base and resolution, my current speakers are NHT 2.9 any ideas ??
my previous pre/amp accurus sound much better???
what AC cable are you using? I was somewhat disappointed with my $10K Accuphase C275 pre until I began experimenting with upgrade cords. Settled on the Synergistic Research Designer Reference Squared AC X-series with active shielding (I think they call it the Absolute Reference now?). Esoteric equipment deserves esoteric cabling anyway.
I would still give it more time to burn in and settle before you start to change (even though I agree with (Bob_bundus), it migh be a "synergy" mismatch for you. If you decide to change ac cable as always if you have a chance to audition first it would be even more helpful, but try your more budget oriented change before a "heavier one" there's a lot of variabiles you're still working with. good luck and keep posting if you don't find it right off.
Your dealer's statement that ten hours of burn-in are enough is absurd. The component will still be opening up at 500 hours. Give it 200 hours and then start to draw conclusions.
Are you now satisfied with the outcome? Did the unit come with its own interconnects? I remember my #65 had a horrible interconnect in its box. Looked impressive but killed the sound. Replaced it with a silver interconnect and the unit blossomed.