My music sounds brighter

Hello all. All of a sudden my music sounds brighter whether I'm listening to a record or a CD. I do have to turn down the treble a bit to compensate for this and make it pleasurable to listen to. Nothing has changed with my electronics which consists of a Yanaha DSP A1 integrated amp, DBX 3BX DS dynamic range controller, Pro-ject Debut Carbon turntable with acrylic platter and Ortofon 2M Blue cartridge, Wharfedale Rubiance RB 27 floor standing speakers in the front and RB 23 bookshelf speakers in the rear and a Mirage FRX S15 subwoofer.

I would have thought that if I was experiencing any deterioration of my electronics, it would be in the opposite direction with a decrease in high-end response.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by jeffrey75

Electromagnetic radiation.
Radio Frequency Interference from Wi Fi devices, laptop, game console or cell phone can effect sound quality especially the top end of a audio signal.
Cell towers seem to be popping up everywhere or a new FM/AM station that is broadcasting their signal at greater strength could also contribute to
RFI changing in a short amount of time.
Interested in update of any progress or elimination of causes to your problem.

Spot on with analysis...

Spot on with your analysis also, I have found alien a/c can reach into places past where you can adjust from menu. Try unplugging gear for minute or two and check again...

@giri,I hope you are mistaken and it is not that serious...