My Jolida JD100 mod VS Music Hall CD25 mod

I purchased the Music Hall CD25 mod from underwood in December.The Cd player sounds great, but i wanted to know what the Jolida player was all about, since i am new to tubes and had just purchased the modded jolida 202A to go along with the Music Hall(love the Joida 202A mod from underwood!!!).So i purchased the modded version of the Jolida JD 100(with the underwood level 1 mod) from a seller here on audiogon.These players are two entirely different animals!!
If i could combine the best of both of them i would be in heaven but i find myself inbetween, and could lean either way, if the right thing were to be addressed in either player.
The Music Hall is so defined and has decent staging where as the jolida is not as defined and the staging is HUGE.I feel that if i could get the bass tightened up and a bit, and more accented on the Jolida, with a bit more extension in the upper frequencies,then things would be "right on" with the Jolida.
I do have some "VH Audio" power cords coming and i am hoping that will help me hear which way to go with these players.
I have heard that some GREAT tubes in the Jolida may help as well but i am really stuck on this cause each has there own sonic draw ya know.
They are so different but both sound so sweet in there own way.Didn't want to really keep both for financial reasons.
Any help or suggestions and or thoughts are much appreciated

Showing 4 responses by seekburk

Thanks Lak
i know there are two levels of mods for the Jolida.There is one that costs $1240 and one that is around $1700 something.I think the more expensive one has the NOS tubes in it.I have the $1240 mod which i believe just has a matched pair of svetlanas in it.The more expensive mod has the NOS GE or RCA 12ax7 tubes.
I had heard that the Sylvania 5751 3Mica Black Plate Tubes are really nice but i can not find them anywhere.Even if i could i wonder if either of these tubes could do the trick for me.I Really like the sound of the player but would like it to do a bit more if it is possible.This is all new to me so any help is vastly appreciated !! : )
WOW Rick
you must of been posting at the same time as me : )
Thanks for that input !!!! Yeah i am going to have to try some of these 5751's.

Well Peter, the unit sounds pretty darn good as i have it now, but need a bit more, so MAYBE a new power cord, and a set of correct 5751's will get me CLOSER to where i need to go, without spending the heavy duty cash.Seven times as much and 10 times as much is quite a jump.Heck if the Jolida is being measured up against those kind of players it must be a good unit eh?So me thinks i should see what these inexpensive tweeks can do for the SOUND.THANKS EVERYBODY !!