I was in a similar situation. I had purchased a CD-25 level-1 modified from underwood last april. Sounded good, but was looking for something else. I purchased a JD-100 level-1 player (used) in December. I could tell there was potential in it, but the tubes (12ax7 Valvos) were creating a distortion I wasn't liking. After consulting with some folks here on A-gon, I bought a pair of Sylvania 5751 gold brand 3 mica grey plates for $65. What a difference! Now the Jolida sounds great, just what I was looking for. This was the player to invest in. So I sent the Jolida back to parts connexion for the level-2 upgrade and LC Audio XO3 clock. Currently breaking it in again after the mod.
I would highly recommend getting some quality 5751 tubes. You'll probably pay around $100 for a good NOS matched pair. Look for Sylvania, GE, RCA, 3 mica black plates. Check Joe's Tube Lore for a good read on the different 5751 options. You will keep the huge soundstage, and get the range and bass punch of the Music Hall. Plus, you'll find the middle more musical. I have been hoarding tubes and have several pair of 5751s now. I intend to keep this CD player for a long time.
I still have the Music Hall CD-25 and intend to keep it for my second system. I still like its sound as well, just not as much as the Jolida. The Music Hall is more exact, analytical, solid-state.
Feel free to contact me if you need any more info.
I would highly recommend getting some quality 5751 tubes. You'll probably pay around $100 for a good NOS matched pair. Look for Sylvania, GE, RCA, 3 mica black plates. Check Joe's Tube Lore for a good read on the different 5751 options. You will keep the huge soundstage, and get the range and bass punch of the Music Hall. Plus, you'll find the middle more musical. I have been hoarding tubes and have several pair of 5751s now. I intend to keep this CD player for a long time.
I still have the Music Hall CD-25 and intend to keep it for my second system. I still like its sound as well, just not as much as the Jolida. The Music Hall is more exact, analytical, solid-state.
Feel free to contact me if you need any more info.