My hearing deficits are becoming clear...

I am a life-long audiophile with a nice system which I enjoy immensely.  For years I have had problems comprehending conversations in lively rooms with lots of folks speaking at once, but it has not diminished one iota my enjoyment of my audio system.  However, today, in a room with 5 guys talking over a football game on the TV, I was just flummoxed trying to understand what the heck anyone was saying.  The aural dissonance just drove me nuts so I departed, realizing that I need to address his deficit.

I reach out to my friends on this forum for recommendations for hearing aids for an audiophile like myself.  I prefer tube amplification in my system, but I don't suppose that is possible with hearing aids.  I'd look silly walking down the street with a 12AX7 tube sticking out of each ear, right?  Any input would be much appreciated.   Mark in Sacramento

Showing 1 response by tuzarupa

If you have a "top notch" ENT and the ENT has not recommended and executed a battery of tests to determine the root cause of your issue with your issue/complaint then perhaps you need to find another ENT.
And why do you have a ENT in the first place?

I had the same issue re: conversations in groups, etc.; along with a very nasty "hearing event" that awoke me from sleep. I was tested over several days and was diagnosed. While the treatment results are not perfect, I understand what I need to deal with. It does not diminish my enjoyment of listening to music.

If the root cause of your issue is not identified and addressed then just getting hearing aids is a shot in the dark.

Your ENT should be proactive in recommending a course of discovery and  providing a factual diagnosis.  If not, then look elsewhere.
Isn't that the responsibility of the doctor? Understanding and giving guidance on the patient's issue?