My experience at Acoustic Image

I just wanted to say a few words about my recent experience with Elliot Midwood at Acoustic Image in Los Angeles. It was one of the most pleasant experiences I've had with a dealer, and it reminded me of the value of brick and mortar.

I knew nothing about Elliot or Acoustic Image when I was given his information by the U.S. Dali distributor. I purchased some in-wall Dali speakers from Elliot over the phone and picked them up a week later. He turned out to be one of the nicest guys I've met in the audio business.

We sat down in his impressively built listening room for a brief demo of the equipment that happened to be hooked up at the time. I was unfamiliar with almost every component in the system. 30 seconds into the first track I knew it was going to be one of the best demos I've ever heard.

The experience at Acoustic Image reminded me of the value of a local dealer, IF that dealer is in it for the love of audio, rather than the love of money. That certainly describes my impression of Elliot.

I hope my comments aren't interpreted as a shill. I have no personal relationship with Elliot. I have no financial relationship with Acoustic Image, or any other audio company for that matter. I just wanted to share my experience with other A'goners. It was one of the best I've had in this hobby.


Showing 1 response by bryoncunningham

I can understand why you wouldn't feel comfortable at someone's house. I expected to feel the same way, but Elliot was so easy going, and his custom built listening room was so well executed, that during the demo I forgot I was at his house.
