My best retort to those that think we listen to our stereos more than the music

 Its like love and sex go with women. A good system makes the experience better. A great woman makes the experience better too! They both go together great!

Showing 3 responses by mijostyn

Mastering92, what does "lawl" mean? 

I think it's more like Bagels and Lox. You have to have the perfect plain bagel with just the right size hole to appreciate the lox. Why people ruin it all with everything bagels is a mystery to me. Comparing my system with my wife would be extremely dangerous.  
Woops, ausaudio get his/her tail feathers ruffled. Humans can not divorce themselves from nature. The vast majority of men prefer women and the vast majority of women prefer men. Love and sex are wonderful things and should be celebrated whatever your preferences are. Political correctness is a trap just like prohibition. We are what nature made us and we still have not learned to live with it. 
Then lawl it is mastering92.

cd318, can't argue with that. It's why Howard Johnson made 28 flavors.
The trick is to find a mate who likes sex at the same level you do and darn did I get lucky in that regard:-)