My Audible Illusions Modulus 3B arrived

I received a refurbished Modulus 3B last Friday, courtesy of the FedEx man. I have been comparing it against my Modulus 3A in the same system all weekend. First, let me say this is Art's best Modulus to date. I had an original Modulus 3 in my system for 19 years, a 3A for the last 5 years and now the 3B, so I truly know it's signature sound.

The build quality on the 3B is the best yet and it looks very sexy with it's silver face and blue backlit silver knobs. Even my wife thought it looked "real nice". All the source switching is now done via a relay and the controls are all very silky smooth. The sound is much more refined than the 3A and 3. You sense more air around the notes, the highs are silky smooth, bass is thunderous and the midrange is to die for.

The preamp is dead quiet. Even with the volume all the way up, there is dead silence, and that makes me very happy. I am also glad that the separate power supply no longer buzzes. I had to keep a Magic Brick on the 3A's power supply. There is just a lot of little things that makes this preamp a joy to use and hear.


Showing 1 response by princebaba

As the director of sales for Audible Illusions, I can tell you that we do still offer a trade-in policy. Your M3A can be traded in for either an M3B or an L3. You can contact Art at the factory at 386-676-2004 for details or contact me directly at 917-576-2466. Kind regards, Alan