My $99.00 System

This is probably only my second thread in 5 years. I
did not have an audio system after my lovely divorce. The usual, "she gets the house and I get the cats" experience. The EX has ALL the good stuff....Avalons, Spectral, what a waste....... After I got re-married last year, my new wife had a pair of Infinite Slope 2A speakers. I had a left over Rega Planet. And proceeded to purchase a Sherwood 100 Integrated ( do not remember the model) with some old Monster 8 gauge cables that were with the speakers. Total cost $99.00 for the Sherwood. In a couple of words, not as bad as you would think. It is musical to a certain extent. Of course, I have a great room that is 20' x 30' which helps with set-up using the rule of 1/3, with about 7 feet from the back wall. A little bright and a little beamy for the highs, a loss of pitch definition at the lows, but the all important mids....not bad at all. So does anyone else have a sort of $99.00 system to get by with? BTW, I had a great divorce lawyer, she had an even better one.

Showing 1 response by kbarkamian

Hopefully I'm not getting too personal here...

I'd be very willing to bet the system was taken out of spite. I'm sure she couldn't care less how much it was worth; the only thing that mattered was what it meant to him.

I'm happily married and have never been divorced, but I've seen it too many times. Be it stereos, cameras, bikes, classic cars, and so on.

I'm not saying guys are any better;just different.